I'm still not sure exactly what 'sick' means. I tried to ask mummy when she was preparing my breakfast but she didn't say much, and when she did she sounded more like dad.
She didn't do her normal singing today either, but instead did these nose songs that reminded me of splash time in the bath. She sounded more out of tune than usual too.
At lunchtime mummy started muttering something about no baby fruit. The next thing I know we were at that place with all the colours and bright lights.
I don't know how mummy was still not smiling.
We went to a place that had more baby food than I had ever seen before. I think mummy got excited because she started nose singing again – but this time really loudly. Other mums thought she was so good that they stopped to watch her perform.
But this still didn't make mummy smile.
We went home and I got to eat the yummy food that mummy called 'devil food'. She said fruit isn't supposed to come from a jar, but I thought it tasted better than any of the stuff she has ever made for me. I decided it was not a good time to tell her this though.
I had an afternoon nap – a long one today because mummy asked me to – and when I woke I noticed the house looked different than usual. More fun. Like an extra large jungle gym with little obstacles all over the place.
When daddy came home mummy said 'sorry it's so messy'. I don't know what that word 'messy' means, but I think it must be the adult word for fun.
I'm not sure why mummy apologised, because I had a great afternoon trying to crawl over the fun piles on the floor. I am so close to crawling properly, and I really want to crawl before my buddy Alex does. There's this girl called Olivia who we're both trying to impress, but I'm pretty sure she likes me more anyway.
I'm lying in bed now ready for my big sleep, and I'm pretty chuffed with the day I've had.
I got to watch heaps of TV, go to the bright colourful place and eat yummy devil food, crawl through a giant jungle gym of fun piles, and listen to a new kind of nose song from my mummy.
I was sad for a while because mummy was not smiling much, but tonight when she put me into bed I gave her a big grinner and she gave me a chapped red smile back.
I love you mum. I hope you're sick again tomorrow.